the Essentiam approach

understand where you are TODAY

We dig in to understand your business, your team, your external environment, and what your constituents think. We talk to your team, review historical documents, and connect with your customers and partners. Using qualitative and quantitative primary and secondary research, we look at current patterns and identify areas of opportunity.

build a vision of your desired FUTURE

This could start with formal foresight and future thinking, or a simple facilitated workshop. We talk about how the external environment might impact you – and how you might impact the environment. We spend time with your team – your senior executives, board of directors, key staff, or both imagining the future they want to create. We define what a successful future looks like, from business outcomes to culture, leadership, or the impact you want to make on the world around you.

CREATE A PATH from here to there

We use what we’ve learned to collaboratively create a flight plan to move from where you are to where you want to be. We articulate the outcomes and strategies, then help you define the tactical steps to get there. We work with you to ensure those strategies are achieved through thoughtful, deliberate, outcomes-oriented actions across your organization.

all the while,we use our experience and expertise in group dynamics and collective impact to fully engage your team and your stakeholders in meaningful conversations. Whatever strategic outcomes you desire, we help you achieve them by bringing your people together and helping them fly.

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Research Interviews Conducted
New Products Launched
Focus Groups Facilitated
Industries, Professions,Sectors Served
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Futures Imagined
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Research Questions Answered
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Strategy Workshops Facilitated
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Conference Presentations Given
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Trained Organizational Leaders